

English, Chinese


Python, Julia, Matlab, LaTex



My research now focuses on two aspects, forward problems and inverse problems. The current idea is to use machine learning methods to solve these problems from different perspectives.

Forward problems:

  1. Parareal-in-time algorithm (parareal algorithm)
    Here we consider to solve the PDEs with time parallel algorithms, the most famous one would be the parareal algorithm. The basic idea is to construct a coarse solver and a fine solver and then we will firstly make a prediction using the coarse solver and the make a correction using the fine solver. I now focus on developing coarse solvers based on different methods such as deep learning methods, POD, and so on.

  2. Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs)
    PINNs is the most advanced one to solve PDEs based on the deep learning methods. The basic idea is to replace the original underlying solution with a neural network and optimize a physics-informed loss to approximate the solution. I now focus on develop adaptive sampling strategies to discrete the loss functional to accelerate the convergence.

  3. Deep operator learning (DeepONet)
    The deep operator learning aims to construct a neural network based operator to map functions in the input space to the functions in the output space. The current models include DeepOnet, FNO, GNO etc. I now focus on decreasing the computational cost for generating the training dataset based on a fine solver.

Inverse problems:

  1. Bayesian inference
    The Bayesian inference is going to find the posterior distribution using the observation data as the likelihood function by defining a proper prior distribution at first. The current idea is to replace the original expensive forward model with cheap surrogates and then run sampling methods to do inference. I am currently working on improving the accuracy of the surrogates and establish rigorous error bounds.

  2. Sci-ML methods for inverse problems
    Recently, many scientific machine learning methods have been proposed to model the inverse problems, including regularization theory. I now want to develop direct sampling methods to explore the posterior distribution, including VAE-based models and operator-learning based models.

For future research plans, I am going to learn more theory about the probability.